#26: History of Fey Colony

After the elves of the Fey Realm invaded the newly renamed continent of Anglachel, it did not take long for their reach to extend to all different parts of Planet Galevyn. The Summer Queen led the colonization of Anglachel, providing re-education opportunities and labor programs to the indigenous populations of orcs, goblins, and humans. They developed ambitious plans to utilize this workforce to construct an enormous city. This city would share the name of the continent.

To the south of Anglachel, the Winter Court claimed a much more sparsely populated mountainous continent. In the hilly region, the elves saw an opportunity to relocate the gnome farmers that produced much of the Fey Realm’s fruits and vegetables. This land came to be called Ronan. On the opposite side of this continent, there was land that provided opportunities for development. There was an indigenous population there of humans and a more bestial humanoid race called the reodor. These people had the same basic characteristics as humans, but their ears and noses were reminiscent of mice or bats. The mouse-like reodor also had long, thin tails extending out of their lower backs, while the bat-like reodor had leathery wings connecting their arms to their torsos. The Winter Court elves lived alongside these people, preferring the interact with the humans due to the stark physical differences between the elves and the reodor. They still exploited this indigenous population for knowledge of the land and labor, as well as making efforts to replace their culture. Some Winter Court elves chose to live among these people and even build families with them. Finally, there was a rocky mountainous region in the middle of the continent that provided challenges for development. It was not immediately apparent to the elves that there was a population living here, because they dwelt under the mountains. The Dwarves were provided an opportunity to approach the elves as peers because of this, the geography allowed them to preserve much more of their culture.

Moving eastward, the elves found the island nation of Yokuatsu. This land was ruled by a race of animal-like people known as Yokai. Whereas the reodor appeared as humans except for some rodent-like features, the Yokai were much more like humanoid versions of animals. They were nearly identical to animals, simply with the ability to speak and walk on two legs. The elves were impressed with the Yokai. This was not only because they were strong and intimidating compared to the elves’ thin frames, but also because they had a deep understanding of this realm’s magic. Furthermore, the elves were impressed with the way the Yokai had found uses for the much smaller people of Yokuatsu known as halflings. These people appeared as small humans, with a similar level of magical ability. The Yokai had successfully built a society that provided order and labor for the halflings. The elves decided it was more beneficial to them to provide support to the Yokai and build an alliance rather than a more direct colonization of Yokuatsu.

To the southeast of Yokuatsu, the elves discovered the land of Kapoor. Here, the elves found a peaceful population of brown-skinned humans. The elves decided this would be an appropriate place to relocate the more problematic strain of their own kind known as the River Elves. The River Elves had a distinctly different religious culture to the Winter and Summer elves. They also had dark skin that was similar to that of the humans of Kapoor. Because the River Elves are separate, but also occupy a precarious political position in the Fey Realm, the Winter and Summer Courts could not just move all of the River Elves to Kapoor. Instead, they offered them access to this continent and even provided a permanent interdimensional portal to this land. This caused the population of River Elves to slowly decrease in the fey realm and lessen their influence in the decision of the seasonal courts. The River Elves quickly began sharing resources with the humans of Kapoor and built a strong cooperative relationship with them. The Mascara, a more primordial element in Kapoor was not so lucky. The Mascara were humanoids with brightly colored skin, ranging in colors such as blue, green, red and pink. They had horns of all shapes and sizes and tails similar to that of a devil. They were seen as a corrupting force in the lives of the other citizens of Kapoor and were exiled from their own homes. The Mascara were forced to travel across the world of Galevyn, developing skills as merchants, entertainers and educators. They told old stories, sold goods gathered from across the globe and shared secrets of traveling that only a people that have spent their time as nomads could have gathered.

Finally, to the north of Kapoor, the elves discovered the land of Daragon. Daragon was populated with four distinct species of people. First, there were the dragons. The people of Daragon worshipped Hwedo, a draconic god. The dragons varied in size, shape and color, but they were all very large and very powerful. The dragons served as chiefs for the different populations scattered across Daragon. These populations were composed of the three remaining species. The first of these was very dark-skinned humans. The climate of Daragon was very hot and the humans’ dark skin allowed them to handle the high temperatures. Secondly, there was a population of dragonkin. Dragonkin are dragon-like humanoids. They were smaller, though large compared to the humans. They still had claws on their hands and feet and some of them even sported wings. Their physical and magical ability was far less than that of the dragons, but still superior to the humans. Finally, there was a much smaller dragon-like people known as kobolds. Kobolds are to dragonkin, as halflings are to humans. They are simply a smaller and shorter population of dragonkin. The dragons were kind but firm leaders and managed their communities in a way that allowed everyone to contribute and be seen as equal. The elves initially tried to form a similar alliance to the dragons as they had the yokai, but the dragons were too keen for that. They could see that the elves were trying to build an alliance with them to make themselves stronger, not for mutual benefit. The dragons stood together against the elves and kept them out of Daragon.

This was just the beginning of the fey colony. The actions of the elves during this time forever changed the social and political landscape of Galevyn.


These stories serve as inspiration for the upcoming short story collection, Tyranny of the Fey. The collection will be released on August 15th, 2023. You can pre-order it now!

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